OpenAI Offers ChatGPT Discounts to Non-Profit Organizations

OpenAI provides discounts on ChatGPT subscriptions to non-profit organizations, aiming to increase sales of its artificial intelligence products to the non-profit sector.
OpenAI Offers ChatGPT Discounts to Non-Profit Organizations

OpenAI Provides ChatGPT Discounts for Non-Profit Organizations

OpenAI, the Microsoft-backed company, has announced that it will offer discounts on its ChatGPT subscription to non-profit organizations. This move aims to increase sales of their artificial intelligence products to the non-profit sector.

Discounts for Non-Profits

Large non-profit organizations will receive a 50% discount on the company-level ChatGPT version. Smaller non-profit organizations using the ChatGPT Team will pay $20 per month per user, rather than the usual $25 or $30.

The Rise of ChatGPT

When OpenAI released a consumer-focused ChatGPT in November 2022, it sparked excessive use of artificial intelligence in daily tasks, ranging from writing to coding. ChatGPT became the fastest app to reach 100 million users.

Partnership with the International Rescue Committee

Recently, OpenAI partnered with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a New York-based non-profit that helps those affected by humanitarian crises, such as the war in Ukraine. OpenAI donated $250,000 to the IRC to develop educational chatbots built with OpenAI technology to help educators in crisis zones.

“A total of 224 million school-age and pre-school children are affected by the crisis globally… in conflict and crisis management, teachers lack resources to support children facing unique challenges,” the IRC said in a statement.

The IRC plans to make chatbots available on low-tech platforms and in existing chat products such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger in several languages.

Educational chatbots in crisis zones

Expanding Reach Globally

To expand its reach globally, the IRC plans to make chatbots available on low-tech platforms and in existing chat products such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger in several languages.

OpenAI logo

OpenAI’s partnership with the IRC is a significant step towards increasing the adoption of artificial intelligence in the non-profit sector. With this partnership, OpenAI aims to make its ChatGPT technology more accessible to non-profit organizations, enabling them to make a greater impact in their respective fields.

Non-profit organizations

By offering discounts to non-profit organizations, OpenAI is taking a significant step towards democratizing access to artificial intelligence technology. This move is expected to have a positive impact on the non-profit sector, enabling organizations to leverage AI to achieve their goals more efficiently.

Artificial intelligence in non-profit organizations

As OpenAI continues to expand its reach in the non-profit sector, it will be interesting to see how artificial intelligence technology is used to drive positive change in various fields.

OpenAI and IRC partnership