How to Access News Corp Australia Websites
News Corp Australia has implemented software to manage crawler bot traffic on their websites. If you’re encountering difficulties accessing the content and you’re not a crawler bot, follow these steps:
Disable AdBlockers and Script Blockers: Temporarily disable any AdBlockers, pop-up blockers, or script blockers that may be affecting your access.
Add Site to Allowed List: Ensure to add the News Corp Australia site to the allowed list on your AdBlockers, pop-up blockers, or script blockers.
JavaScript Support: Confirm that your browser supports JavaScript by checking here.
Update Web Browser: Make sure you are using the latest version of your web browser for optimal performance.
If you are still facing issues and need to be unlocked as a reader, subscriber, or crawler bot, please contact Provide your IP address ( and reference number (0.47247e68.1711652414.2dd51fcb) for assistance.
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